Signatone offers a wide variety of Probe Tips to suit practically every probing need. All Signatone Probe Tips are packaged 5 to a box. Probe Tips that have a 20 mil diameter shank are compatible with Signatone's "E" and "N" type probe tip holders. Tungsten is a good conductor and works well for the majority of probing requirements, including probing on aluminum. Probes with a tungsten shank are pliable enough so that they can be bent to a particular shape by the end user if necessary.
The "Z" shaped probes are pre-bent for this purpose. The "Cat Whisker" probes have a very thin (10- 22 um diameter) tip wire that is soldered to the end of the shank. These tips can bow and straighten when over-driven instead of bending into a fishhook shape. Due to this flexible nature, they do not penetrate oxide and should be used on clean metal to insure good contact. If you don't find the tip that you need, please ask your Signatone sales representative for further assistance.
The following five probe tips have an integrated probe tip holder and are packaged 5 to a box.
2.5" long tungsten probe with 5 micron diameter tip 45 degree bend near probing end. the 25 mil diameter tungsten shank wire mounts directly into micropositioner.
2.5" brass arm with 45 degree bend near end, 5 micron diameter tungsten tip. Arm and tip are disposable.
2.5" brass arm with 45 degree bend near end, 12 micron diameter tungsten carbide tip. Arm and tip are disposable.
2.5" brass arm with 45 degree bend near end, 12 micron diameter Steel tip. Arm and tip are disposable.
2.5" brass arm with 45 degree bend near end, 12 micron diameter Osmium tip. Arm and tip are disposable.